This sale is so fun! Rare Taxidermy, 2 Beautiful Custom-Made Antler Chandeliers Stand 3′ tall by 6′ wide (12 light), 2 Antler Custom Made Floor Lamps, Cowhide Rug, Saddles, Brown Leather Sectional Sofa, Bedroom Furniture, Large Champion Gun Safe, Hand Tooled Leather Gun Holsters, Washer & Dryer, Full House & Garage with Tools, 2006 Kawasaki Klx110Dirt Bike, Cub Cadet Zero Turn Mower, Home brewing & wine kits, Cookshack Smoker, Gun Cases, Clothing, Shoes, Purses, Lots of Decorative, Kids toys, Outdoor Furniture, Kayak, Hand tools & Power Tools, 12.5’ Texas brags trailer.
Thursday 9-2 Friday & Saturday 8-2